Never Run Out of Supplies

One of the tasks on the Airbnb host checklist that often gets overlooked by inexperienced managers is restocking and keeping inventory of household items. From linens and towels to toilet paper and paper towels, basic cooking items like salt and cooking oils, or toiletry items such as shampoos, conditioners, body wash, and lotions, quality Airbnb management requires keeping an eye on the full list of dispensable items to ensure your guests are never left without essential amenities.

While this may seem like a simple task, we have found that usage of items is highly inconsistent from guest to guest. This means that keeping track of inventory requires constant monitoring combined with guesswork to determine when items will need to be refilled, replenished, or replaced. If you don’t live close by or have reliable housekeepers to take care of this task for you, it can be a hassle to have to visit your property between each guest and this may not even be feasible for homeowners working day jobs if you have back-to-back guests.

Airbnb host checklist

At Speed Keyz, we provide skilled ongoing management of your entire Airbnb host checklist including inventory of all household items. With our own in-house team of professional housekeepers who are specifically trained in Airbnb management-specific duties, we ensure all dispensable items are well stocked before each new guest arrival as well as provide expert laundering of all towels and linens. When you partner with us, you can rest assured that your guests will have all the amenities they need without you sacrificing your precious time!