Set Up Your Rental for Success!
There are many components to becoming an Airbnb host, which can largely be divided into several categories of steps. Whether you are renting a single house or an entire inventory of properties, becoming a successful Airbnb host requires thorough research, strategic planning, and careful implementation just like any other business.
The setup stage of short term rental property management is no exception and is a vital part of making sure your endeavors are fruitful.
At Speed Keyz, we base all of our strategies and activities on carefully researched market data to determine the correct target audience and determine the best way to reach this audience in a positive way to attract ideal guests and increase your revenue!
Set Up Your House

This phase of short term rental property management setup garners a wide range of responses from Airbnb hosts. It may be an exciting endeavor for home owners who love to design and create beautiful spaces (not to mention have plenty of extra time on their hands!), or an absolutely daunting thought for someone else with a busy schedule going through a creativity slump. In most cases, it is a combination of these or somewhere in between.
Setup, or staging of a property, whether for short term rental, long term rental, or to place on the market for sale, involves much more than making a space look pretty. It encompasses the combination of interior design and decorating, landscaping and a lot of manual labor depending on the scope of the property, equipping the home with practical amenities and appliances, and ensuring all aspects of the house are in good working order and making any repairs or upgrades necessary.
It is also important to note that different target audiences have different needs, desires, and tastes. This should always be a consideration when setting up your short term rental property.
At Speed Keyz, we offer a flexible optional service for property setup. For the creative and energetic types who are excited to go all out and take care of every aspect of setup, we can simply offer a few practical tips for necessary items and amenities based on our knowledge and experience with short term rental property management. We can also provide information about your desirable target audience based on our research of your property area to give you further inspiration on effective design styles to attract the best guests and provide other “partial” services for your property setup as required.
On the other end, our comprehensive short term rental property management setup package includes the magic touch of our in-house interior design team. The design team will work with our market research and marketing teams to take care of the entire property setup process to ensure it can attract the most desirable guests, all based on a previously agreed budget.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words and this is absolutely the truth for all types of real estate marketing, and even more so for short term rentals. Remember that the large majority of your potential guests as an Airbnb host will not have an opportunity to see the property in person prior to their stay. In order to catch their attention as they scroll through multiple listings on a short term rental platform, the pictures need to be eye-catching and attention-grabbing while being attractive and desirable for your target audience.
This is why quality, strategic, professional-quality photographs are so key to short term rental property management setup. It’s one thing to stage a property to be stylish and inviting, but it is equally important to ensure the photos on your listing do your property justice, capturing all of the unique characters and nuances that will attract your audience.
Our in-house professional photographer is experienced in real estate photography and works closely with our design team and marketing team to ensure your property is well represented. Inquire about this optional service to give your listing a visual advantage!
List Your Property

Remember that your listing is your primary marketing piece and a vital part of short term rental property management! A successful property listing not only includes professional-quality, eye-catching photographs and a cool design. There is a lot of research and marketing knowledge that goes into a good short term rental listing, not to mention use of strategic key words, writing tone, and wording to address your primary and secondary target audiences. There is also a fine balance of being informational enough to present to potential guests all the benefits of renting your property without overwhelming them with too many words.
Another important part of the listing is the nightly rate and finding the ideal rate that will provide you with the optimum occupancy rate for the highest revenue is a science in itself. You will also want to list and manage your platform on multiple platforms to increase traffic and widen your market.
With a dedicated in-house market research, marketing, and design team collaborating on each listing we create, Speed Keyz covers all of these bases and more to ensure that your listing is fully equipped to garner maximum profits!
While other Airbnb management companies may employ marketing specialists, it is our dedicated market research and analysis team that truly sets us apart. At Speed Keyz, we understand the value of accurate data to not only project potential income for our clients, but also to determine the best occupancy to daily rate ratio to achieve the optimum revenue.
Our clients begin by making an informed decision to move forward with short term rental based on projections made with accurate and up-to-date market data obtained by our team. Furthermore, we conduct regular analyses at monthly intervals to ensure our rates remain competitive while bringing you the highest return.